Hi everyone,

Well.... lemme tell you first ...this blog is second blog of my life and the post i am writing in is first of my


So I want everyone to read it carefully and pass on your ideas,your views,your thinking,your comments..it's highly

appreciable..i need it...

Here I go..But before writing anything..ask yourself some questions..whose answers everyone think in their own way

and get adhere to it..Many scholars also gave their opinion ...but no one yet achieved to the solution which is

acceptable by each and every person of world..All reasons differ in some or other way..
The questions are:

* DO you know what spirits ( ghosts in general) look like?
* Have u ever tried to know why people want to suicide when they get depressed?
* Have u ever felt your fear goes on increasing whenever you are scared ?
* Do you know how positive and negative thoughts make or break your personality?
* Do you know Black Magic got scientific explanation.?
* Do you know spirits are all around us..?(take it scientifically..no superstition ).

And that's not all there are many more question you all must want to know about..like Ghost really live with us?
and besides all 'What is life ?'

This blog is dedicated to my own thought and hypothesis explaining all above questions
and related field which is oCCuLt from our naked eye..please do not consider it as a theory..your views,ideas and

explanations are highly appreciable..kindly post comments..

I gave the title for the post as ecneics..you must be wondering about it..actually this word can not be found in

dictionary .because its my self made word..the reason behind it is...
Every single language speaking guy know what is Science..its basically the knowledge of explaining what is

visible..but considering yourself .have you ever saw your back or your buttocks or anything which does not come

under the 180 degree vision of your eye..Don't explain that you use mirror..
But that half which we cannot see is also important part of your body..you cannot neglect it.otherwise you will look

weird isn't it? .So why we should neglect the science behind invisible s...
ecneics is actually the mirror image of word science and it is the science which is very little touched and

explaining the most important part of life which is beyond our imagination..the invisible world..
its not superstition its science..

Before i try to explain any question you should be aware of two terms first is auric shield which i will tell and

second is energy which every knows that it cannot be created nor destroyed...

Auric shield-> To protect a body from visible attacks science provided us with immune system
which fight against bacteria virus ..etc ..but don't forget that is not all..we are considering the other half also

here ..the invisible s ..Who protects our body form them..ya you r thinking right..its auric shield..which protect

us from other spirit or bad energies to go inside our body ..it reflects negative effects and absorbs positive ones

and make itself stronger..

By default ..Men have stronger auric field than women..I ll explain later..

Now I ll try to explain questions with the help of eneics..
So lets start with spirit..

Spirit->just by hearing its name many of us cover our faces with pillow or try to close our eyes .
or hide somewhere so that they could not catch you..I tell you first thing spirits exists..Because science believe

in visible s so it neglects about their existence but they are every where around us. But don't consider me a

superstitious guy . I believe i ll able to explain and make you believe about it in ecneicstific way..I believe

spirits as a form of energy.. ..like we have kinetic ,mechanical n others spirit is also a form of energy only..
What we do in our daily life?how we move our hands ,our legs our mind ..every organ..Have u ever thought who is

behind it? You will say Brain..and Who is running brain..?
Have u ever thought why someone is more intelligent than others in study or Why someone runs faster than others

without practicing? Have u ever heard of split personality disorder..?

Every thing will be explained on the basis of spirit energy ,positive thoughts and negatives ones..

Spirits are energy forms which when goes inside a body put life in it...because to do any work you need energy ..the

more energy you have the better you do your job..There is spirit inside every body..spirit energy you can consider

as flowing through every tiny neurons..and moving our body..the more your spirit energy the more you will be able to

convert it in different forms and the more you will work..I believe spirit energies are different for different

body..Thats the only
reason every single individual moves their arm body and organs in different way...There are many factors on which

spirit energy depends upon..having two most important one i.e:

Positive energy->which get absorbed through your auric shied making it more stronger . when u think positive ..more

explanations later..

Negative energy:- Comes via negative thoughts ..When you do something wrong in your life although you know its wrong

and you are not considering it wrong..your physical body considers
it wrong and negative energy starts entering your body..first they make your auric shield weaker and the they enter

through holes if they found one in your shield..

Impacts of Positive energy on auric shield :
If you make your auric shield stronger you can protect yourself from depression ,losing self confidence,fear of

ghost and spirits which traditionally implanted in you..and many more things..
Now you can ask yourself question about failure of your goal last time? and try to remember and consider every

circumstances,condition and feeling before it..and ask yourself whether they were increasing your postive energy ..?
More positive energy more stronger auric shield which everyone want to have it..

Impact of negative energy on auric shield:It adversely effect our auric shield ,weakening it and making it more

viable to spirits enter your body..i repeat consider spirit a form of energy which is everywhere..if u are having a

weak auric shield..you will think negative ,do negative ,and will happen negative..The max of it is someone else can

forcefully make your auric shield weak so that spirit enter your body and finally you will have symptoms of

depression and you will suicide.

There are many thing to explain like What happens after death?How child takes birth? ,split personality and many

which cannot be done in a single post..I ll keep posting..You keep reading and your view

,ideas,suggestions,comments,explanations,and hypothesis are welcomed..
If you want to publish your post in this blog mail me at ashirules007@gmail.com with your post and name. I ll add

you as a author..
Thank you for your patience reading..

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